Dodge Juice/Attitude Manual Edge Products, LLC 9 2. Gently insert the Juice connectors between the stock connectors, and lock in place. Gently connect the stock connectors to the other end of the Juice connectors. The connector for injectors 1 2 is closest to the Juice box, and has Red/White and Brown/White wires. The. Dodge Cummins L 24 Valve Edge Juice and Attitude Installation Instructions and Manual OLD P/N s: EJDWAM / EJDAWAM / EJDBWAM. Dodge Juice/Attitude Manual Edge Products, LLC 9 2. Gently insert the Juice connectors between. The Edge Juice/Attitude is a highly sophisticated package capable of dramatically improving your Ford liter's driveability, towing, mileage and, most importantly, POWER. The Juice module is a completely weatherproof module that installs.
The Edge Juice Module This picture shows the Edge Juice M odule with the harness cable and Edge Attitude Display wiring (Attitude instructions on pg. 21) 1 e r u g i F Dodge Juice Getting Connected These two connectors are EGT thermocouple connections. This cable is where the optional Edge Attitude Display module gets connected. Dodge Ram Cummins L HP Edge Juice and Attitude Installation Instructions and Manual OLD P/N: EJDA/ EADA/ EJDAWAM NEW P/N: (Juice) (Attitude) (Juice w/Attitude). Dodge L Cummins Juice w/ Attitude CTS2. Revolver Performance Chip/Switch Ford L Manual 6-Chip Master Box Code Awa4. Part Number
The CTS is available for Dodge/Ram Truck, Chevrolet/GMC, and Ford trucks, diesel and gas versions. MSRP for the Juice with Attitude CS starts at. So I just bought my first Gen 3. Its a 07 mega cab w/ My question is about the programmer that is in it. Results 1 - 13 of 13 Edge Juice with Attitude CTS2 programmers control the timing and Juice Module with Attitude CTS2 Programmer, Dodge, L Diesel, Kit.