· † EasyTouch Wireless Control Panel User’s and Installation Guide (this manual) Related Manuals † EasyTouch 8 and 4 Pool and Spa Control System User’s Guide (P/N ) † EasyTouch Indoor Control Panel User’s and Installation (P/N ) † EasyTouch 8 and 4 Installation Guide (P/N ) EasyTouch Accessories iS4 Spa-Side Remote. EasyTouch II is a modular keypad with contemporary aesthetics and functionality that complements every home. Available in one through five-button configurations, EasyTouch II’s custom color pallete allows you to match or mix finishes for trims, buttons, and faceplates. Customizable buttons feature fullrange RGB backlighting with a built-in diffuser. (this manual) Optional Equipment •IntelliChlor® Electronic Chlorine Generator Electrolytic Cell model IC20 (P/N ) or IC40 (P/N ) •IntelliChem® no-pump (P/N ), one-pump (P/N ), two-pump (P/N ) •IntelliChlor User’s Guide (P/N ) •For EasyTouch system operating instructions, refer to the EasyTouch.
This manual guides the user through the set up process and basic operation of the Cirris Easy-Touch™ Pro hardware and software. An overview is included on how to learn, verify, and test a sample cable. You can also learn how to share Touch 1/ test programs with Easy-Touch Pro test programs. To connect your tester(s) to a network, add a. The EasyTouch Control System eliminates the inconvenience of trips to your pool equipment pad, memorizing operating sequences, opening and closing valves and resetting time clocks and thermostats. With push-button operation and clear, intuitive instructions and displays, your EasyTouch system includes all circuitry and fully programmable controls in a single Load Center installed near your pool or spa equipment. 3 Harman EASY Touch Control Owners Manual The EASY Touch Control home screen manages the essential functions of your Harmanpellet stove. Day/Time Current day/time when set Power Icon Turns unit on/off Whisper Mode Shows if “Whisper” mode is on or off Blue Arrow Press to decrease the desired room temperature Schedule Icon Appears if “Scheduling” is.
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